all postcodes in RG12 / BRACKNELL

find any address or company within the RG12 postcode district

Postcode Area

RG / Reading

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
RG12 1AA551.416385-0.747026
RG12 1AE251.417215-0.748037
RG12 1AD151.417154-0.747422
RG12 1AX1351.41616-0.751157
RG12 1AQ151.41748-0.747555
RG12 1BH151.417915-0.747917
RG12 1BP351.416295-0.74612
RG12 1BT151.416429-0.747744
RG12 1BW751.414867-0.748031
RG12 1BZ151.414867-0.748031
RG12 1DF851.41557-0.74981
RG12 1DG051.416351-0.748868
RG12 1DH151.41613-0.747551
RG12 1DJ151.416324-0.744655
RG12 1DL1151.416264-0.748235
RG12 1DN151.416223-0.747793
RG12 1DP151.416764-0.751242
RG12 1DR151.416163-0.747248
RG12 1DS151.416969-0.751986
RG12 1DT151.417366-0.752177